Sunday, April 22, 2007

The Coming Day

The sun rises in the eastern sky, sometimes dramatically. It's a symbol that speaks to the soul of all humanity. No one hates the sunrise, no one but the darkest of hearts. It's a universally ingrained portension of hope.

Our marveling over a glorious sunrise is more than anticipation of the day. God has inset this divine hope in our souls as a reminder of what to expect. When He will come again, no one knows.

"He's coming," we whisper, sometimes in half-belief. We want to believe it more than ever but the world throws darkness at us as if to insist that He cannot and never will. Still we see the sunrise and it thrills us.

No matter what beastly things happen, the killings, the wars, the many natural disasters...Our Lord returns. You can see it some mornings on the horizon. Your souls and mine recognize those precious scenes as truth.

A glorious sunrise is a forecast, a prophecy of the Son's Rise.

We who believe simply believe and we rest in it, like children waiting eagerly for the coming of day.

### Dwayne K. Parsons


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