Tuesday, August 29, 2006


by Anita Aurit

My husband and I are having a house built .We have floor plans, we have walked the lot and seen the house staked out but we are still a bit tentative about the whole thing-particularly since the second level of the house will be built into the side of a hill. We've been told there will be a yard, a nice yard but we stare at the sloping landscape and sigh, confident that we can trust the professionals but unable to translate this dream into a visual. Our joy in this new home is mixed with trepidation. The delight of what we believe to be true is counter balanced by the apprehension of what we cannot see or totally understand.

Hmmm, it seems as though I have just described some of my hurdles of faith. When I chose Jesus Christ, I stepped into the plans that God had for my life. Just as I stand here on this empty lot with string and posts giving only a hint of what the builder will do; I stood in a spiritual empty lot on that day as well. I had only a vague idea of what God would be building in my life; I could not visualize the new structure He had conceived for me.

His plan for my life was also bigger than just that one decision to follow Him. Just as this lot on which I stand will be excavated, foundation poured and walls erected, God was beginning the foundation work in me as well. As time has passed, I can now see the wonderful structure of my faith. The walls of are strong and protect me from so many winds that blow against my life. Where my soul was dark I now have light pouring in and the view that I see is one that is God-centered. So much work has been done but this spiritual house of mine is not perfect. I can still turn a corner and see an unfinished area, a place that is an opportunity to build something new, a place ready for a bit of renovation.

Is my spiritual house finished? Never! Any homeowner will tell you that a house is never done. There is always a tweak here, a change there as well as the regular upkeep. So it goes with my spiritual house as well. Just when I finish one room and am completely satisfied, I walk into another and am shocked at the work that is still to be done.

My spiritual house is a never-ending work in process yet I don't worry about the details. The Master Builder, the Architect of my heart and soul never fails me. I may not understand the blueprints. I may stand on the empty lot, with strings and stakes and stare in confusion but I know one thing with absolute certainty. This house of my soul will be beautiful and just what the Builder had in mind-all I have to do is believe in Him and trust what I cannot see.


At 10:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just love your blog. I am a middle-aged Indian lady and was just browsing through some blogs and was really happy to read yours.

I was especially happy to read the one about your faith in God, as I am going through a phase where I am questioning things and it was as if God wanted me to see how much some people believe in Him. Thanks.


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