Sunday, June 25, 2006

I Throw Dirt on You, You Throw Dirt on Me

The wedding had been beautiful. The bride and groom were done receiving their guests and everyone was seated enjoying the beautiful food and great conversation.

Out of the corner of my eye, I spied two little girls playing together. They were having a great time when all of a sudden one of the girls picked up a handful of dirt and tossed it onto the clothes of the other. Immediately, she attempted to brush off the evidence of her dastardly deed. The recipient of the unwanted gift, who was by now coughing in the cloud of dust that was rising around her head, also worked to brush herself off. She would have most likely returned the favor if her daddy hadn’t seen the whole thing and brought it to a sudden halt. There was no malice in the activity. I am sure the dirt thrower just thought it was a good idea at the time.

It caused me to wonder how often I throw dirt on others without even thinking about what I am doing. I did it this afternoon. I was in a feed store buying some seed for my husband. I had to phone him because I needed more information. As I finished questioning him I said “Well, I don’t think there is anyone here who knows anything about it anyway.” To which the clerk, who heard my words, replied “Oh yes there is.”

I hadn’t intended to be rude, but I had been. I apologized to the clerk, acknowledging my rudeness and thanked her for her attempt to help me. She accepted my apology good naturedly and the transaction was finished. I had unintentionally, but thoughtlessly, thrown dirt on her.

I was convicted about my behavior because I had experienced a couple of dirt throwing episodes aimed at me just the day before. It occurred to me that they probably hadn’t intended to get me dirty and leave me coughing over their remarks, any more than I had intended to do it today. So, my conclusion is that instead of getting upset when some dust comes my way, I will attempt to brush it off and do what those two little girls did… hug each other and forget it ever happened.

Posted by Teresa Wood


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